ThinStone™ can be especially easy for a mason to install, especially when compared to traditional stone. But it's important to follow the below guidelines, recommendations, and steps to ensure a proper installation and beautiful final product.
Concrete Block or BrickProviding the existing wall or structure is sound and without defect, paints, or sealers, ThinStone™ can be applied directly to any new or existing block or brick surface.
Framed Exterior WallsBuild exterior walls to local building codes. Follow stud size, sheathing, and substrate thickness requirements.
Here are some general procedures to keep in mind when waterproofing areas prior to ThinStone™ installation.
Flashing and Moisture ControlProvide a rubber weather shield, flashing, or caulk at all material transition points and at any area that could lead to possible moisture penetration, including window and door openings, electrical outlets, and electrical or plumbing fixtures. Follow the manufacturer's specification for correct installation methods. Include a weep system behind exterior installations of ThinStone™.
Use Specmix® Polymer Modified Stone Veneer Mortar or Laticrete® Masonry Veneer Mortar for ThinStone™ applications.
Metal Lath
Use paper-backed, non-corrosive wire lath that meets ASTM C847 standards with the manufacturer recommended fasteners. Place and secure the first piece of wire lath at the bottom of the wall. Overlap the next piece of lath at a minimum of 3" and secure into place. Continue installing the wire lath up the wall from the bottom to the top, carefully overlapping each piece.
Bonding Agent
Use a bonding agent mixed with mortar to add additional bonding strength. Refer to the manufacturer's recommendation for mixture quantities. Use extra care with bonding agents as they are difficult to remove once they are cured.
Please use the following steps as a guideline for interior and exterior installation:
Interior & Exterior ThinStone™ Installation:
Wash down the stonework with water and apply a mild cleaning detergent such as Dry Treat Hannafinn Skavenja at least 48 hours after the stone has been installed. Use a stiff nylon brush to remove any dirt or mortar smear left from the installation.
If a sealer is required, use a breathable sealer for exterior applications. Breathable sealers such as Dry Treat Hannafinn Stainproof Original can help enhance the color of the stone while protecting against weatherproofing failures that occur over the life of a wall or building. Do not apply the sealer until the stonework and mortar have cured. Follow the specific instructions of the sealer manufacturer.
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