There is always something exciting happening at Connecticut Stone! We offer a variety of educational programs for the trade including hands-on seminars, continuing education programs and special events throughout the year. We are passionate about sharing our knowledge and experience with you. The more you know and understand, the more innovative and creative you can be!
“Luxury home” used to mean a secluded estate with a sprawling lawn and tons of square footage. But for today’s high-income homebuyers, a desirable lifestyle increasingly means a hassle-free commute, easy access to activities, minimal maintenance, and innovative technologies designed to enhance a life on the go. Developers are responding to this demand with exclusive communities across the country. But is Connecticut ready for this trend? Join New England Home in a conversation with the region’s top building and design professionals to learn where and how high-end residential is being redefined—and realized—right here at home.
Bring Your Vision to Life This Spring - Start Your Project Today!