What We Offer at Our Stamford, CT Location

Bring your vision to life with our natural stone experts.

We're Here To Help,
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Welcome to Connecticut Stone in Stamford, CT!

All masons, builders, landscape contractors, and homeowners are welcome at our Stamford, Connecticut Stone location. With our 2-acre stone yard and 2000 square-foot showroom, there’s no need to shop around for your exterior projects. It is the place to go for all your masonry supply needs. From our large selection of ThinStone™ to bluestone, thermal granite pavers, mosaic flagging, and Nicolock pavers for patios walkways, you will be amazed at what you can find. We have over 30 bins of bulk material along with hundreds of palletized stone to choose from for your veneer applications, stone walls, aggregate projects, and more.

In our showroom, you will find a full display of diamond blades, chisels, trowels, plugs and feathers, tuck pointers, cleaners and sealers, shovels, tampers, mixing tubs, and more. In our stone yard we offer an assortment of material for exterior projects like chimney and firebox construction, and carry drainage products like Cultec Chambers, ADS, SDR, and Singlewall PVC. We also carry a full line of cement products including, Quikrete, Lehigh, and more. On-site we even have the ability to customize the look of your order, so you have a completely unique piece of stone. From finishing a piece of bluestone with a rock face or applying a thermal finish – we can add a unique touch to any project.

Get inspired by the different layouts of stone and stone veneer and our experienced staff who is there to help with any questions. We welcome you to stop by and browse our facility before you start your next project.

Stamford Hours

7 AM - 3 PM (M-F)
CLOSED Saturdays/ Sundays

Showroom: 8 AM - 4 PM (M-F) / 8 AM - 1 PM (Saturdays)
Yards: 8 AM - 4 PM (M-F) / 8 AM - 12 PM (Saturdays)
Shop: 7:30 AM - 4 PM (M-F) / CLOSED (Saturdays)

Telephone: (203) 967-2937